Visit this Sunday
About Our Services
Discover reverent worship rooted in tradition based on The Book of Common Prayer. Services follow an order and style of worship with music, prayers, Scripture readings, and a sermon, combined with fresh expression and practice relevant to our lives today.
Follow Along
Pick up a worship bulletin with all the service information from an usher as you enter the sanctuary or follow information on the display screens in the worship space. Feel free to sit anywhere you feel comfortable. Our ushers can help you find a seat if you need assistance.
Holy Communion
We celebrate The Holy Eucharist, also known as The Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion, at each service. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Communion, including children. You are also welcome to come forward for a blessing, or remain in your seat to pray/reflect during that time.
Our services blend traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs. Songs led by our choir or vocal team may be accompanied by the organ, piano, guitar, drums, or classical instruments.
Children, teens, and their families can discover God’s amazing love, deepen their faith, and share His love with others through our quality Christian educational programs and opportunities for fellowship and service.
Nursery is available for families during worship services and Sundays @ 10:15 classes and groups.
Children’s Chapel is offered for our youngest worshippers.
Sundays @ 10:15 opportunities for all ages.
Living into our mission statement, “Growing Faith that Impacts the World for Christ”