Youth grow in their personal relationship with God. 

Youth Ministry teaches middle and high school students to explore their relationship with God, rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, and bless others with their gifts.

Sundays @ 10:15 am

Sundays @ 10:15 equip youth with a strong biblical foundation and engage the Scriptures in a way that applies to their everyday life.

  • 7th - 12th grades

  • Sunday mornings at 10:15 am

  • St. Philip’s Hall, Youth Room

Youth Group

2nd & 4th Sundays 

All youth (7th-12th grades) gather for fellowship and small group share time twice a month on Sundays from 12:30 to 2 pm in the St. Philip’s Hall Youth Room.

Monthly Youth Hangout

All youth (7th-12th grades) gather one Wednesday of the month for a fun social get together either on-campus or off campus.

Serving others is a huge part of who we are.

Monthly Youth Outreach Project

All youth (7th-12th grades) gather once a month on a Tuesday from 6:30 - 8 pm to work together on an outreach project.

Youth Mission Trips

In addition to local outreach opportunities throughout the year, each spring break and summer our students serve together on a week-long mission. This is far more than just a trip. The mission team meets months ahead of time to prepare our hearts and minds in addition to establish that all logistics are covered.

Each team member serves in a leadership role and plays an important part in our mission experience. In the past few years, we have served in South Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Alaska and Puerto Rico.

Contact us to find out more about our youth outreach and mission opportunities.


Confirmation is an individual’s mature and public affirmation of faith and commitment to the responsibilities of baptism.

Traditionally, churches designate 6th grade as the time for Confirmation. However, some students need more time and may not be ready until the end of middle school or into their high school years. The Youth Ministry takes an organic approach to make Confirmation available when each student is ready.

In preparation for taking responsibility to live out their faith, students will experience what that looks like in real life before they make the commitment. Here’s what to expect:

  • Attend 5-week Confirmation class.

  • In the spring, attend the Diocesan Confirmation Retreat, complete the Faith and Action Wheel handout, and participate in a confirmation group project.

Get Involved

Adult Volunteer Opportunities

Do you remember those teenage years? What was most on your mind–friend drama, boyfriend/girlfriend (or lack thereof), peer pressure, school work…God? Did you have important adults in your life to help you navigate those years? Who? If not, don’t you wish you did?

Ways to Support Youth Ministry

How might you be able to help our youth navigate these teenage years?

  • Help with youth group, Sundays @ 10:15, special events, life groups

  • Drive to youth functions

  • Host youth events at your home

  • Provide hospitality (lunch, snacks, etc.)

  • Participate with youth in retreats and mission trips

  • Pray for the youth

Get Started

Faith grows best in relationship, and youth need to be in relationship with many caring adults who are invested in their lives.

  • Choose one thing

  • Start small

  • Be blessed

Nobody can do it alone…but if we work together, God can do mighty things!

Stay Connected

Keleigh Linebrink

Director of Youth Ministry
214-619-5806, ext. 112

Upcoming Youth Events